222: From Optometry to Public Health Advocate with Dr. Diane van Staden, PhD

Interview with Dr. Diane van Staden, PhD

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Highlights from this episode:

  1. How her background growing up in apartheid south africa shaped her perspective on health equity.
  2. How Education served as a tool for empowerment and overcoming marginalization.
  3. Her process of learning to navigate leadership roles and find her voice in global health discussions.
  4. Why it’s important local communities own the solutions to their health issues and why training models must be adapted to local context.
  5. Her transition from clinical optometry to public health to scale her impact

Episode 222 of Public Health Careers

Dr. Diane van Staden, PhD is Adjunct Professor: Faculty of Health and Social Development at The University of British Columbia. 

And is Primary care Network Manager at Shuswap North Okanagan Division of Family Practice.

She is a well rounded health care leader with over 15+ years of experience in optometry education, program planning, and strategic contributions to sustainably addressing local and global eye health challenges.

She conferred a Bachelor of Optometry from  University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa which she held various roles, including Optometrist, Academic Development Coordinator at the  University of Durban-Westville, Project Development Officer, and Senior Optometrist at the Free State Provincial Department of Health.

She then received a Master of Public Administration from University Of the Free State during which she started as a Global Programs Officer at the International Centre for Eyecare Education, later advancing to Sub-regional Programs Manager for Southern Africa.

Dr. Van Staden completed a PhD in Optometry from Technological University Dublin and subsequently served as an Academic Leader for Optometry and Teaching and Learning at the  University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. She also earned a Certificate in Health Communication from Stanford University School of Medicine.

Links from show

 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Life Beyond Clinical Practice Podcast

Connect with Guest

Dr. Diane van Staden, PhD on LinkedIn:

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