Why You Should Make Your Goals Dynamic This Year - The Public Health Millennial - Omari Richins

Why You Should Make Your Goals Dynamic This Year

Why you should make your goals dynamic this year you ask. Whether it is about new year resolutions or just wanting to set 2022 goals. Here I will lay out how I am setting some dynamic goals for myself this year.

What are dynamic goals you ask? Let me explain.

Dynamic Goals

We all have heard of SMART Goals by now – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely. But dynamic goals take all of that and add an impact measure you want to see in your life. Let me break this down.

Dynamic goals are made up of SMART goals but add in the motivation for taking on the goal. It aligns your goal more broadly than just wanting to accomplish something. It shows why you set this goal in the first place.

For example I have a simple SMART Learning goal of reading 2 books a month. But when make this dynamic, it becomes. Read 2 books a month so that I can learn novel ideas and implement them to have greater impact.

You see the difference? I not only have my SMART part of my goal set, I also include an additional dynamic factor for why this is important for me this year.

I’ll give you one more example from my goals.

I recently shared the Social Impact goal of wanting to join 2 board/advisory member positions in 2022. Dynamic – join 2 board or advisory member positions in 2022 that align with my vision while increasing the positive impact I have on marginalized communities while also learning and continuing to build my public health network.

Yea, that one is a lot, but it highlights not only the goal but why it is important to my overall vision of what I want to achieve in 2022.

This is a goal with a why.

It gives the SMART goal more purpose and intent.So when creating goals this year, try to make them dynamic so that you have more of a drive to complete them as it deeply aligns with you and your broader mission for what you want in your life.

Activities For Dynamic Goals

So I forgot to mention how exactly do you achieve your dynamic goals.

In order to achieve any goal, you really need to focus on the activities you have to do. These are the actual actions you need to take. Take for example my goal of wanting to read 2 books a month.

The activities in order to hit this goal could be:

  • Read a chapter a day
  • Read for an hour day
  • Read 15 pages each day

You see, theses are the actual habits you have to form in order to get to that goal. By reading 2 books a month, what you are really saying is that you want to be a reader. And in order to become a reader you have to create the habit of consistency in reading.

And just to note, you want to set your activities to the minimum viable output you need to do to achieve your goal. So for the “read a chapter a day” you’d want to read AT LEAST a chapter a day if that is your goal.

How are you going to set your dynamic goals this year?

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