What i've learnt from 1 year on my platform

What I’ve Learnt From 1 Year of My Platform

It has been a pleasure to share all that I have over the last year. I look forward to sharing more with you all. By my platform I mean my blog/website, podcast, instagram platform.

This platform has grown a lot more than I expected and has created some really memorable moments. I’ve learnt so much and can’t wait to continue to share what I’ve been learning and other insights.

Here are some things that I have learnt.

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(Related: 5 Transferable Skills For Public Health Students)

1. Just Do It

I’ve thought and I’ve thought about starting a blog, a youtube or a podcast. Little would I know a year later, I would be started all these three platforms. It started with the blog which was followed by my instagram (@thePHmillennial) and then launching my podcast which is also on YouTube.

If I didn’t take that first step none of this would be possible. So just do it. Thinking about starting a blog didn’t start it and I know i’ve spoken some people to

Additionally, when you just do it – keep doing it. Be consistent. Consistency has been what has kept me going and has allowed me to grow this small platform to what it is today. Having that article due every Monday has made it possible for me to stay consistent.

No one is going to listen at first? So what! Every journey begins with the first step. Listen to Shia and “Just Do It!” Whether you want to start a blog, a new job, a new hobby or anything else – just do it!

2. People pay attention

One thing that has truly amazed me during this year is just the reach I have been able to get. I’ve had visitors from over 30+ countries on my blog and have had people reach out to me from countries all over the world! Who would have known that I would have met people in countries like India, Nepal, Nigeria, Australia, and more.

Not only other countries, but people have randomly reached out and said that they enjoy my content or podcast – which means the world to me! People have reached out who I don’t think would have been before which has truly helped me to grow my network with more amazing public health people.

Even when you don’t think so people are paying attention especially when you are being consistent and proactive in your approach. I don’t think anything I do is truly remarkable. I just think i have put myself in a position where opportunities are more likely to fall to me.

3. Time Management is a must

The toughest thing about this platform is 100% the time management aspect. You truly have to be able to plan and manage your time to be able to produce great content. When you are starting to work to create all this content, you still have the other parts of your life to balance.

I think it’s important to set parameters on when you want to create content. Set a schedule to do the work that needs to be done. Things are going to come up that want to pull at your time, but consistency is key. Sometimes you will have to sacrifice to ensure that you are being consistent in order to grow whatever it is you want. The small sacrifices you may have to make will pay big dividends in the future.

Have a schedule. Set specific hours and days that you will be working on your content. Your time is the most valuable thing you have – manage it wisely.

(Related: 5 Transferable Skills For Public Health Students Part 2)

4. Been able to connect with cool people

As I have said in point 2, I have had incredible reach with my various platforms. I have gotten to get to connect with such cool people in the public health realm which has been amazing. I have been able to meet amazing people at all stages of their public health journeys.

The real and genuine connections and conversations since starting this platform is just the things I would have loved during my MPH. Being in Alaska, this has truly been a great way to connect with public health professionals throughout the US as well as worldwide. Before starting this, I had only reach from LinkedIn and from personal connections – the connections know have dramatically increased.

Additionally, the podcast has been a great way for me to share getting insights from other public health professionals on their journeys. It truly has made some deep connections with great people while helping them to share their knowledge.

I appreciate all of you – your connection is very much appreciated.

5. Opportunities have come about

By creating my platform, it has given a solid place for someone to see and learn from something I’ve created. This increased my reach and allowed more people to have eyes on me. Especially as not many people are doing exactly what I’m doing in the public health field. This has allowed opportunities to come about. I mention some of them below.

I have been asked to be on an advisory board of a nonprofit, to be a panelist for an online conference, been asked to be on podcast as a guest, asked to create a short video for undergraduate students. I can’t wait to see what more comes from this platform I have been creating.

Each one of these opportunities, the person has mentioned how they enjoy my content or something of that sort. This truly shows that without creating this platform, I would have never (or probably not) been asked to take part in these opportunities. I believe putting yourself out there just makes it easier for more good energy to come your way.

questions to brainstorm writing ideas to write a personal statement

6. Keeps me learning

This year has been truly great for me to learn. I think it is so important as a public health professional to be a lifelong learner. This platform has allowed me to be introspective along my journey to share the insights I’ve been learning. Not only that, but I have been keeping up to date with relevant events, i’ve had to refresh my memory when asked certain questions which has been very useful in solidifying or learning new and relevant information.

For the podcast, I’ve had to do research about my guest as well as get to deep dive and ask them questions I want to know (which are also useful for everyone else). I’ve also learnt about careers, strategies, and insights I would not have learnt if not starting this platform.

The learning has been tremendous. Also by connecting with new people, I have heard their struggles which gives great insights to know how to better serve you all. All in all, we all should find our unique ways to keep on learning.

Advice if you’re thinking of starting

I think if you are thinking about starting – whatever it is. Just start it. Right now we may be able to set aside some time to do things otherwise unlikely. Please take care of your mental health. But yea, start and start now. As I’ve learnt, no one is really going to be watching or paying attention in the beginning. Therefore it’s the perfect opportunity to build grit while also learning what works best for you and how you want to approach it all.

As I said earlier, consistency is key. In regards to starting my Instagram platform, I have seen many people start a platform and then wither away. The thing is you never know, when that one post is going to really resonate with people. Additionally, you have no idea just how many people use your platform to gain useful information – even if it’s a small platform. Just keep going and it will be great.

You should also reach out to other people. Ask questions and be adaptable. Just get going and you will learn what works for you along the journey.


To summarize, i have learnt quite a bit over this last year of creating this platform.

Some things I have learnt are:

  1. Just do it
  2. People pay attention
  3. Time management is a must
  4. Been able to connect with cool people
  5. Opportunities have come about
  6. Keeps me learning

What have you learnt the most from?

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