my favorite books of 2020 | The public health millennial

My 5 Favorite Books of 2020

These are my 5 favorite books of 2020. I will admit there are no public health books on this list as I didn’t read too many of them this year and didn’t find them as insightful.

That being said, I look forward to having more public health type books on my list for reading next year.

I really enjoyed these 5 books so I hope are able to add one or more to your reading list. Remember you can purchase through the links in the article, but you can also probably get a lot of these borrowed at your local library. Enjoy!

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Essentialism – Greg McKeon

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed in life? Essentialism is a great read determined to show us why the pursuit of “less but better” will truly enlightened you on what really matters in your life. A great read to give you perspective on why more is not always better and by choosing to do what is essential will help you feel truly rewarded.

Ishmael – Daniel Quinn

Ishmael is a spiritual adventure where we are brought to think about creation in the view of the takers and the leavers. Ishmael is a telepathic-talking gorilla who grows a friendship with a man where they have dialogue where Ismael challenges the notion that the goal of creation was for man to step out of evolution and be the “Gods” of the earth.

I first read this book in a group setting in high school for an environmental biology type like class. This book can be read and used in so many context and rather thought provoking.

How to Win Friends And Influence People – Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is book great. book for anyone to read. The book can be used by anyone at basically any point in life. It is time tested advice that can help transform how you interact and get along with people around you. The techniques in this book stand true to the test of time since human beings and human psychology will remain the same

If you are wanting to start your personal development journey, this is a great book to get started with.

The Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon should be a recommend read for every high school student around the world! I am convinced this book can transcend the basics of personal finance to many populations through its parable like tale. This is also a time tested book that can help you learn some basics of financial literacy and understanding.

This is a great book to read and re-read or to share with a sibling or friend.

The Water Dancer – Ta-Nehisi Coates

The Water Dancer was a truly insightful tale. This slave narrative though heart-wrenchingly deep and suspenseful, was truly a wonderfully written story that takes on a tough narrative in an awe-inspiring, mystic and creative way. After I got past the first 75 pages, I honestly could not put this book down. The story kept you wanting to know what was going to happen next and it surely painted the picture of the scenes.

Fun fact, it’s coming out as a movie format at sometime – so be sure to read it before then!


I really enjoyed these books I got to read this year. It allowed me to develop myself more and has also solidified me as a “reader”. It has clearly become a habit for me and I look forward to sharing some of the books on my booklist for 2021.

What’s the favorite book you read this year?

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