210: Creating Systemic Change through Political Strategy Work with Rayna Hetlage, MPH

Interview with Rayna Hetlage, MPH

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Highlights from this episode:

  1. Community power building
  2. Why Community organizing and representation are essential for creating meaningful change in the policy advocacy process.
  3. Why Stay true to your values driven is important in public ehealth and health equity work
  4. The important advocacy work she was a part of in Colorida focused on expanding health insurance coverage for undocumented immigrants
  5. How Rayna got her MPH for around $3000 utilizing workplaces employee benefits programs
  6. Building relationships and leveraging connections can open doors and create opportunities in your public health journey

Episode 210 of Public Health Careers

Rayna Hetlage, MPH is Director of Political Strategy at Center for Health Progress. 

She is also the Board Chair of the Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise.

She is a dedicated leader driving transformative change in the health policy sector, driven by the firm belief that each one of us has the power to affect meaningful change. She takes great pride in her work to foster inclusive policy spaces and community-led decision-making.

She conferred a Bachelor of Science in Public Health at University of Arizona where she interned at SSA and worked as a Research Assistant at the  Clinical Psychophysiology Lab. She also completed a Health Promotion Internship at the Canyon Ranch Center for Prevention and Health Promotion.

After completing her undergraduate studies, Reyna worked as a Data Manager at the  University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and then advanced to become the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Project Coordinator.

While completing here Master of Public Health in Health Systems Management and Policy at Colorado School of Public Health she interned at Children’s Hospital Colorado.

Following her graduate studies, Reyna served as a Health Policy Analyst at the Colorado Fiscal Institute. She then took on progressively senior roles at the Center for Health Progress advancing from Policy Manager to Senior Policy Manager, and ultimately to Director of Political Strategy. Additionally, Reyna holds the position of Board Chair at the Health Insurance Affordability Enterprise.

Links from show

Transformational Leadership for Change Fellowship

Purpose of Power

Cover All Coloradans legislation

OmniSalud – Private Health Insurance for Undocumented Immigrants

Connect with Guest

Rayna Hetlage, MPH on LinkedIn

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