On Prioritizing Mental Wellness with Brianna A. Baker | MPH LENS Episode 2

Interview with Brianna A. Baker Ph.Dc

Brianna Baker is an avid storyteller and mental health equity champion. She is an Ph.D. candidate at Columbia University in Counseling Psychology. She has a successful YouTube platform where she speaks on many insightful topics surrounding mental health and highlights health related social injustices.

On this episode anticipate Brianna to speak on how she navigates her goals while minimizing burnout as a student and entrepreneur. Brianna expresses her passion on expanding safe spaces for marginalized communities who show signs of mental neglect.

She provides her perspectives on rectifying racial health injustices and improving life trajectories for communities of color using research and strives to provide tools to combat anti-Black discrimination to invoke change.


  • Prioritizing mental wellness is crucial for achieving professional and educational goals.
  • Public health professionals and students often face mental health challenges, including burnout and imposter syndrome.
  • There is a distinction between clinical mental disorders and everyday stress, and professional intervention is necessary for clinical cases.
  • Common misconceptions about mental disorders contribute to stigma, and it is important to promote open conversations about mental health.
  • Self-care practices, setting boundaries, and seeking support are essential for maintaining mental health.

Links From Show

-YouTube episode, “YEAR III: Setting Boundaries, Honoring Capacity, and Sacrificing my Passions”

Book recommendation

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5 by American Psychiatric Association

Connect with Guest

Twitter: Brianaabaker

Connect with Brianna on Linkedin

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